Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Week 9 - another fun week, although week 8 remains my favorite. YouTube was fun and interesting, and I will continue to try to fathom a need for a podcast of my own.
Final thoughts- I learned a great deal about using the internet, especially for things like wikis, blogs and podcasts...all things I had heard of, but did not have even a passing familiarity with. Now I feel like I could at least tackle them if I need to.
I often wished I could devote more time to this; not to get the assignments done, but to delve into all the new and exotic places that opened up at every turn!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Week 8

Ah, finally a week I can sink my teeth into. It appears I have little ability to utilize the internet for anything social, but can sure find great ways to use it for work (may need to work on those priorities a bit). I checked out many of the Web 2.0 award winners...what a great bunch of tools! Since I move around quite a bit, I am discovering the joys of using these web-based utilities; never again will I have to wait to finish a task because "it is on another computer".
I really enjoyed this week!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Weeks 6 & 7

Well, I never got the Avatar loaded, but I did upload that lovely photo of lowers my blood pressure just to look at it. I've played with, explored Technorati & Sandbox, learned about wikis (and used our in-house wiki) and explored many links, but have been a bit frustrated today. Often, because I am using the public computers in the library, the filters won't allow me to do some of the things I am trying to do.
So I explore and read, but don't actually create...however, I feel like I am learning new skills and I am looking forward to applying them.